Thursday, February 9, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 13

    TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 13...
    Fitbit says I only slept a little over 4 hours last night. I had trouble getting comfortable and shutting off my brain - despite the pain meds. I was restless and couldn't stop thinking about the latest development. Last night when I took a shower I noticed that my incision was draining in the bandage. I have had a puffy spot around the top right area of the incision from the beginning. Last night Ron pushed on it (ouch) and more stuff drained out of the bottom of the incision. We think the puffy area is fluid that has now finally found somewhere to drain from.
    I've taken 3 sets of pictures of the incision so far and did a collage of them side by side. You can see the changes in the incision in the pictures. I'm not gonna post the picture here but they're on my blog (link in previous post).
    I have an appointment today with the doc as I'm scheduled to get my staples out. I'm sure the drainage will be one of the top topics of conversation.
      1:00pm Just left the doctors office. Staples are out...woot woot. He said the drainage was a seroma - which is basically when blood and fluids collect. He said it's common. And boy, it really poured when they took the first staple out! 😱 He said as long as it doesn't become bright red or change to the consistency of honey or the cream in a cream filled doughnut I'm good. Love the food analogy. 😜He said it may drain for several days. He could open it up to drain it but that could cause other issues and it's best to let it drain on its own if possible.

      He gave me a back brace now that I have to wear when I'm up.  At least I don't have to sleep in it.  My back actually feels better when the brace is on...even my middle and upper back.  My middle and upper back have been hurting from constantly holding my spine in a neutral position.  At least with the brace on part of that is done for me.  And it really helps with reminding me about the limitations (no bending, lifting, or twisting).  Here's how it looks from the front and back. Sorry for the poor quality - it was taken in a mirror.  The brace wraps around and is then pulled tighter by the two straps you see on the front.

      Next appointment is in 4 weeks and xrays will be done for that one to make sure the fusion is working.

      Doc said I can return to work next week at half days and see how it goes. Still have all the restrictions for a while (no bending, lifting, or twisting).  Reminded me again to listen to my body and don't overdo it.  
      I told him I was walking a lot and some people had suggested I might be doing too much.  Nope...he said again that walking is the best thing I can do for my back to heal.  ðŸ˜Š

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