Monday, January 30, 2017

TLIF surgery - Post-op Day 3

**Posting this blog entry after the fact based on notes I made on my phone the day of surgery and posts I made on social media sites.**

So sleeping was interesting.  I tried to get situated on the bed and pain was intense...actually brought tears to my eyes!! Ended up back on the couch with every pillow imaginable propping me up.  Our couch has a recliner on each end but I couldn't use the recliner because I'm not able to push it back in. Still having the new pain in my right hip and leg that I'm hoping was caused by how I had to sleep in the hospital.  Certainly don't want to have traded in one problem for another.
Nurse Diezel keeing a watchful eye.

This pup is something else!!!
This is what happens when you can't get up and answer the door...LOL.  Yep, that delivery had to wait for Ron to get back.

Ron went out and about today to see if he could find my meds again.  Thankfully he was able to.  And, being the awesome hubby that he is, he also bought a new recliner so I can hopefully get some sleep!  He went to like 6 different furniture stores and ended up with one from Badcock.  It's an oversized recliner that is motorized so there is plenty of room for my boy to be up there with me, and I don't have to put the foot prop down.  Woot Woot!! The hubby came home a little grumpy...but I'll let it slide this time...LOL.  He's been so great, I know he's ready to go back to work so he can rest.  Now hopefully the next few days will be more comfortable for me so I can get some rest and heal.
Diezel absolutely loves the new recliner!!  He fits perfect right beside me and everytime I get up he takes it for his own.  

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