Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Neuro Stim System off ear / First look at incision (pictures included - you've been warned)

Today I removed the Neuro Stim System (NSS) from my ear.  If you read my previous blog post  you already know that I think it's a fascinating device.  When they placed it on my ear they told me to leave it on for 3-5 days.  All of the research I found said it worked up to 5 days... but I found one article that said it was being used for people with chronic pain and was changed every 7 days.  So, I decided to give it an extra day, just in case it was still working.  I definitely know that it worked for several days and will be requesting it for any future surgery.  Almost anything that takes away pain with the use of less narcotics is a great thing.

Here's a look at the device still on my ear:

It was definitely interesting being there.  I couldn't lay on that ear when sleeping or use that ear when talking on the phone, and I had to be careful doing things like brushing my hair.  But it was worth any adjustments I had to make for the pain relief it provided.  

Here's a look when I first started removing it - notice the tiny probe that was inserted into to my ear:

There were actually 4 electrodes attached to my ear, 3 on the front and 1 that was a different color on the back.  I assume the one in the back was a ground wire.

All of the electrodes had 1 tiny prong on them except 1 of them - that one had 4 little prongs:

The best part about removing the device was being able to wash my hair!!  
Dry shampoo can only do so much for so long.  😆

After surgery they told me to leave the bandage on for a week.  During the last surgery the bandage came off within a matter of days, but this time it was hanging on, and itching me like crazy.  So I decided 6 days was long enough and removed the bandage before my shower.  Thankfully the incision looks pretty good right now.  I'm really hoping it heals better than last time.  🤞 
It's pretty puffy around it, but that's to be expected.  And theres a pretty good bruise on the right side showing up too.

There are 12 staples total (there were 10 after the last surgery).  The top one has 2 in it - not sure what the deal is there.  Maybe a misfire?  Several of them are already trying to back out some too - especially those two on top.  Guess they don't want to be stuck in me.  Wonder if they will stay in until my post-op appointment.  🤔  You can really see how far out they are in this side view:

I'm scheduled to have the staples removed on the 19th.  with all the issues I had with the wound during the last surgery I'm going to be a little anxious until the staples come out and this wound heals.  And also until lots of time passes.  So far I think I'm doing pretty good.  It seems like the problem has been fixed so far... time will tell. 

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