Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club ~ Dare to Live

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
(Rated R)

Finally…I have watched Dallas Buyers Club!  I typically watch movies with this kind of hype when they are initially released but for one reason or the other I wasn’t able to watch this one until now.  Sometimes when a movie has received as much attention as this one I find myself disappointed because it doesn’t live up to the hype.  Not this time.  I could just simply say WOW…but this film deserves so much more.

The film was inspired by a true story.  Yeah, yeah, I know a lot of films say that…but this one really was.  In 1992 journalist Bill Minutaglio wrote an article entitled “Buying Time” that appeared in Dallas Life Magazine.  The article discusses how Dallas became a center of the black market in unapproved AIDS drugs and the role that Ron Woodroof played in that.  You can read the article here:

Hollywood became interested in the story and after several failed attempts finally made this film that took the movie industry by storm.  The movie is set in the late ‘80s and focuses on the story of Ron Woodroof (played by the fabulous Matthew McConaughey).  Woodroof is an electrician, a bull rider, a hustler, a heavy smoker, a drug user (particularly cocaine), and a lover of casual sex.  He’s also a racist and homophobic.  His world changes dramatically when he is diagnosed as HIV-positive and given an estimated 30 days to live.  Woodroof is initially in denial of his impending demise because he doesn’t think there is any way he could have a disease that seems to be targeting homosexuals. 

HIV and AIDS were new to many in this time period and the medical industry certainly didn’t have all the answers (or were keeping them to themselves).  After his health deteriorates more while taking high doses of AZT Woodroof began researching other treatment options.  In an effort to extend his life he ended up obtaining drugs from Mexico from a doctor who had previously had his license revoked in the US.  His health improves on the new drug regimen of ddC and peptite T and he soon realizes that he can make money by importing the drugs and selling them to other HIV-positive patients.  This led him to starting the Dallas Buyers Club – a membership only club where members were provided drugs and treatment free of charge in return for their membership dues – along with the help of Rayon (played by Jared Leto), a HIV-positive transsexual who he had met while previously in the hospital.  The movie continues to explore the relationship between these unlikely friends, the effects of HIV on their lives and those around them, as well as the effects of government regulations and pharmaceutical companies on the medical industry.

The cast of this movie is phenomenal!  Unless you have been living under a rock you have probably at least heard of some of the numerous well deserved awards bestowed on the cast and crew in recent months.  During awards season there wasn’t much said about Denis O’Hare who played Dr. Sevard with only slightly more attention to Jennifer Garner who played Dr. Eve Saks, however both of their performances were excellent – especially Garner’s.  The performances of Jared Leto as Rayon and Matthew McConaughey as Ron Woodroof were absolutely awesome!  I had seen many clips before watching the entire movie so I had an idea of how great they were in the movie, but was just blown away at their transitions.  They were so effective in portraying these characters that it was easy to forget who they really were. 

I frequently disagree with who the acting awards are given too…but not in this instance.  The awards earned by Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey were well deserved.  And the speeches given by them were fantastic.  If you did not watch the Oscars and missed their acceptance speeches (or just want to see them again) I urge you to check them out.

Jared Leto’s acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor can be seen here:

Matthew McConaughey’s acceptance speech for Best Actor can be seen here:

Also check out the official site for Dallas Buyers Club here:

While this movie may not seem like the most uplifting film at first glance I challenge you to look deeper at it and deeper at yourself.  Where do your thoughts lie concerning the AIDS epidemic?  How would you feel if you or someone close to you tested HIV-positive?  What measures would you take to save or extend your life or that of someone close to you?   In the words of Matthew McConaughey…This film was never about dying.  It was always about living.  So just keep living…   

Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - my rating: A+

(Matthew McConaughey’s Just Keep Livin foundation can be found here:

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