Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spidey Sense

The Amazing Spider-man 2 (2014)

Spidey Sense

This past weekend was the release of the Amazing Spider Man 2 and it certainly had a good opening weekend with an estimated $92 million earned.  As I’m sure you would suspect I contributed to that $92 million.  My husband and I, along with our friend Holly, saw this second chapter in the reboot at our favorite local theater, The Grand - Pier Park, and we were not disappointed. 

I love movies (and TV shows) based on comic books and typically see them during the opening weekends, frequently on opening night.  This particular genre offers exactly what I look for in any film: entertainment and escapism.  With Marvel and DC alike I can always expect lots of fun scenes sprinkled with just the right amount of “real life” to make it engaging and entertaining as well just the right amount of cheesy humor thrown in.

The newest version of Spider Man stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.  Prior to seeing him in the first one I was curious on how he would do in this role.  Now I know that he is the perfect choice and look forward to seeing him don the red and blue tights at least one more time.  Emma Stone is the perfect Gwen Stacy and has excellent chemistry with Garfield.  I’m sure part of this is the fact that they are a “real life” couple; however I suspect they would work well together regardless.  And I absolutely love Sally Field as Aunt May.  Is there anything that Field can’t do?

This particular film had several villians, in particular Electro, Rhino, and the Green Goblin.  Electro was played by the always electrifying Jamie Foxx.  Foxx did a great job with his transition from the nerdy version of Max Dillion to the confused but dangerous villain Electro.  Paul Giamatti played The Rhino.  While The Rhino is from the comic books it really wasn’t of any particular interest to me.  I do think that Paul Giamatti did a fine job in his portrayal though.  I was however very intrigued with Dane DeHaan’s portrayal of Peter Parker’s childhood friend Harry Osborne and the Green Goblin.  I have seen DeHaan in a few other things before and definitely consider him a rising star.  He sort of reminds me of a young Leo DiCaprio crossed with a young Brad Pitt and his eyes are amazing!  He had great chemistry with Garfield also.  It was easy to think of them as childhood friends.

I watched the movie in 3D and was pleased with the effects.  I’m not a huge 3D fan as most often I am disappointed in how the effects turn out and feel it is usually not worth the extra cost for the ticket.  From Spidey swinging through the air on his webs to cars overturning to a dramatic story changing fall the effects in this movie were perfect for 3D.

I will have to say that I think the first Spiderman in this series was better, however this one was definitely worth watching.  And it definitely makes me excited to see the next one.  I recommend this movie to anyone that loves the comic book genre – and don’t forget to stay for the scene during the credits.

You can find the official trailer here: http://youtu.be/DlM2CWNTQ84

The Amazing Spider Man 2 (2014) – my rating: B+

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