Friday, January 9, 2015


Today's photo is TV.  Anyone that knows me knows how much I love TV!  I have always loved TV...since I was a little girl.  There are a lot of people that criticize watching too much TV...but for me there really isn't such a thing as too much TV.  :)

For me TV is a form of entertainment, a form of escapism, and sometimes just simply background noise.  I watch many different types of shows on TV but my favorite genre is crime shows such as Criminal Minds, Law & Order, Chicago PD, The Following, etc... I rarely watch sitcoms because I am not a fan of most of the things that are considered "funny" now-a-days (however I do really enjoy The Big Bang Theory).  I read TV Guide from cover to cover (and several other entertainment magazines).  Not only do I follow the listings but I love the articles.  I love to know everything I can about the shows that I watch...everything about the actors...everything about what's happening behind the scenes...everything!

My favorite show on TV right now is The Walking Dead.  The show has a huge following yet there are a lot of people who still refuse to watch it because they don't like zombies.  I think any other fan of the show would agree with me that The Walking Dead is about so much more than zombies.  In fact the zombies are really just a small part of the show.  The show is about how people deal in crisis situations.  How do people relate to others when everything they have ever known has been taken from them?  How do you survive when nothing is "normal" anymore?  When watching it I always wonder how I would reach in a similar situation (Don't worry...I'm prepared fro the zombie apocalypse).   If you haven't watched this show you really should give it a shot.  If you are fan like me I know you are anxiously awaiting for the Season 5 mid-season premiere on Feb 8!!

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