Friday, January 27, 2017

TLIF - Surgery Day

**Posting this blog entry after the fact based on notes I made on my phone the day of surgery and posts I made on social media sites.**

    Managed to get about 3 hours of sleep last night...which is more than I expected. Up way to early today, but it takes time to do that wonderful cleaning procedure required beforehand. I definitely feel clean right now! 😂 About time to wake my boys up and get this show on the road. Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts. ❤️

    Getting prepped for surgery....

    Waiting for surgery to start with my sweetie by my side...

    Shortly after this picture was taken they gave some of the good stuff and I started to zone out. They were great at keeping me informed of what was going to be happening.  I was the first surgery of the day so I at least my waiting was just normal waiting.  They told me that they would give me something right before that would pretty much knock me out right there in the pre-op room and then I would be taken to the OR where they would flip me over on my stomach on the special table for this surgery and woudn't remember anything until I was woke up in recovery.  That was almost what happened....  They came in and said it was time to say nite-nite to the hubby and pushed something into my IV.  It hit quick!  Almost as soon as I gave him a kiss I felt like I was fading out.  It was really more like I was just kind of watching myself.  I remember them moving me down the hall and passing people and then into the OR.  I remember seeing lots of stuff and people in the OR, and trying to see the bed I was going to be moved too but I couldn't locate it.  They were doing the usual stuff like checking my blood pressure and moving things around.  The guy giving the meds was talking to me - I was probably asked what was I having done 100 times.  While he was talking to me he leaned over and said "See you in recovery".  I don't remember anything else until I woke up in recovery with some other guy staring at me.
    They took me to surgery somewhere around 7am.  Not sure exactly what time it started but I assume it wasn't long after they took me.  My husband posted on Facebook at 11:50am that the surgery was over and I was in recovery.
    When I woke up in recovery I wasn't really in a lot of pain at first.  I was obviously extremely drowsy and still concerned that I was going to end up getting sick.  I wasn't feeling nauseous yet and was hoping they had given me the right cocktail.  About an hour after waking up I started to feel the pain so they gave me Diladid, which did the job.

    Finally made it to my room about 3pm.  All the essentials for comfort - pain pump, pan, and tv. One of my friends posted that my look was the look of the GOOD stuff.  Diladid was for sure making me high...LOL.
    My husband decided to go take care of some things (like our pup) and right as he was about to leave I felt the first wave of nausea.  I was so sure I wasn't going to get sick at that point.  I told him to hand me the pan...he could tell by the look on my face I needed it right then!  He greeted me with the trash can...which I promptly deposited every fluid in my stomach in.  Nurses brought me Zofran...didn't help...nurses brought me Phenergan...success! 
    Finally brought some dinner around 5pm and it was pretty dang good!

    Had a great visit with the oldest baby girl:

    She stayed for a while visiting, which was great because it kept my mind off of the pain that was creeping in.  She was still there when I took my first steps too.  :)  Before they mentioned me trying to walk they told me they could take the catheter out.  As much as I wanted it out there was no way I was agreeing to that until after I knew I could get out of the bed and walk at least to use the bathroom!  So shortly after 7pm they came in to get me up for the first time.  I'm not gonna lie - it wasn't easy.  That log roll to get off the bed is difficult and my brain was telling me things might hurt even though they weren't.  So many instructions...log roll off of bed, keep spine neutral, push with your legs and assist with arms...yikes.  But I did it!!!

    After a very eventfull day I was ready for some rest and to let my body continue to recover.  Here's to a successful surgery and on to a successful recovery - hopefully with minimal pain.

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