First thing - Tomorrow is our car club's 8th Annual Car Show. Come out and join us for some fun. Enter your show vehicle or just come look at all the great rides and hang out with some great people.
Check us out here: Florida Mopars
So today makes 4 weeks since I had my TLIF surgery. It's been a very interesting journey for sure. For those that have followed my posts you know how I've been doing for the most part - especially in the beginning when I was posting daily.
I've been doing pretty much better than I was worried I would be. I've been back to work with "hours as tolerated" for 2 weeks now. I've been able to work the entire work day most days because I have some flexibility with my work. I work from home so I don't have to commute (which eliminates the driving issue) and I'm able to get up and walk around as much as needed (which is quite often). Sitting is still the worst part of this whole ordeal. Sitting puts a lot of pressure on the lower imagine how it feels with an insicion, not to mention the items used for the fusion which I'm sure are causing some of the pressure.
I don't think I really feel any of the items used for the fusion (screws, rods...), and I hope that I don't. I have no idea how much the fusion will affect the mobility in that area (L4-L5). I know that the whole purpose is to stop movement there, but what I'm referring to is the mobility used with daily tasks. As of what I'm allowed to do right now I don't think it will be much of an issue.
The issues I'm having right now are still mostly with the incision. It is still draining, although it's far less than it has been in the past. Now it's at a level where it's just enough that I have to keep a bandage on at the aggravating stage. The incision itself still looks crazy to me. As you can see from this picture there is still a crazy section in the middle, but it's coming together. The doc assures me that this is normal, in fact his words were that "it looks good". Ummm, ok...
I'm assuming the yellowish section is scar tissue pulling the incision together...maybe? It's very interesting because you can clearly see where the cut was made. You can also see at the bottom where the tiny opening is - that's where the drainage keeps coming out. While it is annoying, I would still rather it keep draining until there's nothing left. Better out than in!
I'm still having the burning and occasional pain in the right hip and right leg. I think it's just nerve pain but I will definitely be monitoring it. Really hoping I don't have an entirely new issue.
I'm still sleeping in the recliner because it's still the most comfortable. This week I've had a difficult time getting comfortable at night. Since the surgery I've only been comfortable sleeping on my back propped up. This week I've not been able to be on my back for long periods...not even when sitting...because when I lean back it causes a burning, primarily in the incision area. Being uncomfortable while trying to sleep makes for difficult days to follow, which is why I missed some work this week. Wednesday morning I just simply could not get up when it was time for work because I had such an uncomfortable night. Having issues being on my back meant that this week is the first time I've slept on my side for any length of time. That's an ordeal in itself. I have to "log roll to get into position. Whoever said that was easy obviously hadn't had back surgery. The good thing about getting on my side though is I can do it in the bed. So I've slept for a few hours this week actually in my bed. Not ready to give up the recliner yet though.
I take very few of the narcotics now...only an occasional one at night when I am extremely uncomfortable. Tylenol has been taking care of any pain that my happen. There hasn't been too much pain (thankfully). This week I've had more muscle cramps, but they seem to be alleviated by the muscle relaxer.
I'm still adapting to doing things differently. I'm a pretty independent person so depending on others, even my hubby, is hard sometimes. Tomorrow our car club is having it's 8th Annual Car Show. Typically I do a lot of stuff during it. I've had to really think about how to do things...or even what I will be doing. I think I have it all figured out...and I know that there will be plenty of people to help out (and help keep from over doing it). But it is odd to have to depend on others.
I'm still staying positive about my recovery and the outcome of it. While it is a long recovery, I am doing my best to follow all the rules. One thing is for certain...I had no idea how much stuff I dropped before this surgery! Thank goodness for that handy grabber tool! 😄
TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 13...
Fitbit says I only slept a little over 4 hours last night. I had trouble getting comfortable and shutting off my brain - despite the pain meds. I was restless and couldn't stop thinking about the latest development. Last night when I took a shower I noticed that my incision was draining in the bandage. I have had a puffy spot around the top right area of the incision from the beginning. Last night Ron pushed on it (ouch) and more stuff drained out of the bottom of the incision. We think the puffy area is fluid that has now finally found somewhere to drain from.
Fitbit says I only slept a little over 4 hours last night. I had trouble getting comfortable and shutting off my brain - despite the pain meds. I was restless and couldn't stop thinking about the latest development. Last night when I took a shower I noticed that my incision was draining in the bandage. I have had a puffy spot around the top right area of the incision from the beginning. Last night Ron pushed on it (ouch) and more stuff drained out of the bottom of the incision. We think the puffy area is fluid that has now finally found somewhere to drain from.
I've taken 3 sets of pictures of the incision so far and did a collage of them side by side. You can see the changes in the incision in the pictures. I'm not gonna post the picture here but they're on my blog (link in previous post).
I have an appointment today with the doc as I'm scheduled to get my staples out. I'm sure the drainage will be one of the top topics of conversation.
I have an appointment today with the doc as I'm scheduled to get my staples out. I'm sure the drainage will be one of the top topics of conversation.