Friday, February 24, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op 4 weeks (incision picture included)

First thing - Tomorrow is our car club's 8th Annual Car Show.  Come out and join us for some fun.  Enter your show vehicle or just come look at all the great rides and hang out with some great people.
Check us out here: Florida Mopars

So today makes 4 weeks since I had my TLIF surgery.  It's been a very interesting journey for sure.  For those that have followed my posts you know how I've been doing for the most part - especially in the beginning when I was posting daily.

I've been doing pretty much better than I was worried I would be.  I've been back to work with "hours as tolerated" for 2 weeks now.  I've been able to work the entire work day most days because I have some flexibility with my work.  I work from home so I don't have to commute (which eliminates the driving issue) and I'm able to get up and walk around as much as needed (which is quite often).  Sitting is still the worst part of this whole ordeal.  Sitting puts a lot of pressure on the lower imagine how it feels with an insicion, not to mention the items used for the fusion which I'm sure are causing some of the pressure.

I don't think I really feel any of the items used for the fusion (screws, rods...), and I hope that I don't.  I have no idea how much the fusion will affect the mobility in that area (L4-L5).  I know that the whole purpose is to stop movement there, but what I'm referring to is the mobility used with daily tasks.  As of what I'm allowed to do right now I don't think it will be much of an issue.

The issues I'm having right now are still mostly with the incision.  It is still draining, although it's far less than it has been in the past.  Now it's at a level where it's just enough that I have to keep a bandage on at the aggravating stage.  The incision itself still looks crazy to me.  As you can see from this picture there is still a crazy section in the middle, but it's coming together.  The doc assures me that this is normal, in fact his words were that "it looks good".  Ummm, ok...

I'm assuming the yellowish section is scar tissue pulling the incision together...maybe?  It's very interesting because you can clearly see where the cut was made.  You can also see at the bottom where the tiny opening is - that's where the drainage keeps coming out.  While it is annoying, I would still rather it keep draining until there's nothing left.  Better out than in!

I'm still having the burning and occasional pain in the right hip and right leg.  I think it's just nerve pain but I will definitely be monitoring it.  Really hoping I don't have an entirely new issue.

I'm still sleeping in the recliner because it's still the most comfortable.  This week I've had a difficult time getting comfortable at night.  Since the surgery I've only been comfortable sleeping on my back propped up.  This week I've not been able to be on my back for long periods...not even when sitting...because when I lean back it causes a burning, primarily in the incision area. Being uncomfortable while trying to sleep makes for difficult days to follow, which is why I missed some work this week.  Wednesday morning I just simply could not get up when it was time for work because I had such an uncomfortable night.  Having issues being on my back meant that this week is the first time I've slept on my side for any length of time.  That's an ordeal in itself.  I have to "log roll to get into position.  Whoever said that was easy obviously hadn't had back surgery.  The good thing about getting on my side though is I can do it in the bed. So I've slept for a few hours this week actually in my bed.  Not ready to give up the recliner yet though.

I take very few of the narcotics now...only an occasional one at night when I am extremely uncomfortable.  Tylenol has been taking care of any pain that my happen.  There hasn't been too much pain (thankfully).  This week I've had more muscle cramps, but they seem to be alleviated by the muscle relaxer.

I'm still adapting to doing things differently.  I'm a pretty independent person so depending on others, even my hubby, is hard sometimes.  Tomorrow our car club is having it's 8th Annual Car Show.  Typically I do a lot of stuff during it.  I've had to really think about how to do things...or even what I will be doing.  I think I have it all figured out...and I know that there will be plenty of people to help out (and help keep from over doing it).  But it is odd to have to depend on others.

I'm still staying positive about my recovery and the outcome of it.  While it is a long recovery, I am doing my best to follow all the rules.  One thing is for certain...I had no idea how much stuff I dropped before this surgery!  Thank goodness for that handy grabber tool! 😄

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 19 (incision pictures included)

**Incision pictures included at the end of this post.  Consider yourself warned...LOL.**

It's been a few days since I've posted.  I've been meaning to take a minute and update this blog but it seems that things have been very busy lately.  For the most part that's a good thing.  Ron laughs at me for everything I've been sharing.  I'm not sure how many people will even read my blog, but I wanted to share this journey just in case it could help someone else.  When I was preparing for my surgery I read everything I could possibly find and really found the personal stories helpful.

So, here's a rundown of how things have been going.

Saturday morning I decided to finally step back on the scale.  I haven't weighed myself since the day of the surgery.  Obviously I haven't been able to maintain the same amount of exercising that I was before the surgery, so I was very concerned that I had gained quite a bit.  I have tried to walk as much as possible but it's nothing like before...way fewer steps and much slower.  I was VERY pleased when I weighed!!!  I had only gained 1.7 pounds!  Woot Woot!  You have no idea how happy I was.  Maybe I can actually get through this recovery without messing up my lifestyle changes too bad.  😁

Our car club has it's 8th Annual Car Show coming up on Saturday, Feb 25.  Usually I prepare all of the goody bags for our shows.  I tried to get as much together as I could prior to the surgery, but there was no way I could get the bags done because stuff was still coming in for them.  So...we planned a Pizza Party for the club to come over this past Saturday to put the bags together.  We had 7 members come over and pretty much had an assembly line.  It was an interesting time for me.  I'm such an independent person that it's hard for me to have other people do things I feel like I should be doing. Not being able to bend or twist and only able to lift very light things, I was at a disadvantage.  I pretty much had to just delegate.  And while I've never been one to back down from bossing people around, it was still odd to be mainly on the sidelines.  The group did awesome and we got those bags together pretty quick.  And we had some yummy pizza from Marco's too!!

I was still feeling pretty good after the Pizza Party...and since Ron has also been cooped up in the house...we decided to go to the movies Saturday night.  I was concerned about sitting through the entire movie so we sat on the edge so I get out of my seat as needed.  I took a pillow with me (in a tote bag) and spent a good portion during the middle of the movie pacing at the side of the theater, but I made it through the movie.  The movie was excellent too - John Wick: Chapter 2 - Go see it if you get the chance.  

We even had a short game night after the movie.

Sunday I spent the day doing the version of housework I have to do recovering from back surgery...which means I did very little but still accomplish a few things.  Ashlee came over and brought her baby Lettie for a play date with Diezel.  They played well together and Lettie only jumped on me a few times so all was well.

Monday was my first day back at work.  Many people aren't able to return to work at only 2 weeks out from fusion surgery, but I have the advantage of working from home.  Since I don't have to commute and have the flexibility to get up as often as I need to, the doc released me to return to work with some limitations - hours as tolerated / no bending, lifting, or twisting.

Returning to work was interesting to say the least.  After being out of the office for 2 weeks my email inbox was jam packed!  I did the best I could but at 3pm I had to call it a day.  My job is primarily a desk job, so there's only so much I can do while pacing, and sitting was really get to me.  After work I don't think I sat back down for hours.  In fact I decided to try the treadmill for the first time since before the surgery.  Obviously I had to do it a very low speed and with no incline, but I managed to walk a mile on it.  It took me 35 minutes to walk that mile but I did it and it felt great to just walk. 

Tuesday I managed to make it a whole day at work.  Still not moving at full speed but at least I'm working.  And I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things soon.  It's kind of nice to get back to some form of a normal routine.

Tuesday night when I took my shower and did the usual incision check I became a little worried.  The incision is still draining so I have to keep a bandage on it all the time, which of course means it staying wet.  The look of it is not pleasant and it's becoming more tender.  We were a little worried that it might be getting infected.  This picture is a comparison of the incision on Feb 10 (the day after the staples were removed) and today (Feb 15).  See why it freaked me out??

First thing today I called the doctors office and of course they wanted me to come in so they could take a look at it.  Ron left work early and took me (because I'm still not driving).  They had to work me in between patients so I waited a little longer than usual but they were still pretty quick.  Both Brittany (the nurse) and the doc told me that the incision looks fine to them.  I asked the doc was this what it was supposed to look like and he said there's not one way it's supposed to look but mine is doing fine.  He said I needed to keep doing what I was doing...keep it clean...keep it dry.  So basically, I was being overly cautious.  I really don't want the incision to get infected and would much rather be overly cautious and nothing be wrong than the opposite.  Ron asked if I was going to tell everyone about my "false alarm".  I guess the answer to that is yes since I just put it in this blog.   😄
I guess the point of sharing this is so people can see that there really isn't a "normal" when healing.  It just takes time and it's going to go through many stages.  I just wish some of these stages weren't so gross looking or tender.  

Friday, February 10, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op 2 weeks

TLIF Surgery - Post-op 2 weeks...
I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks since the surgery! It's been quite the journey. When I was still in the hospital the Doc told me that when he saw me at my 2-week check-up I should be 50% better in regards to the surgical pain...and 95% better by the 6-week visit. It appears that he was accurate because I definitely feel at least 50% better now than I did... right after the surgery. And the pain that caused me to have the surgery in the first place is gone. I'm still having some burning and tingling in my right hip and leg (which started after the surgery), but we still think it is the result of how I'm sleeping and possibly from nerve irritation. I mean, lets face it, a lot of stuff was done to my back, which included moving nerves around. This is still so much better than what I was dealing with before! 😁
My back is very happy to no longer have staples in it. And it's still draining away...better for that stuff to come out than to stay in for sure! 😳
I had a nice visit this morning with my Pops and Susan. Susan and I were able to catch up with surgery/recovery stories since she recently had a knee replacement. Modern medicine really is amazing. They brought me Agatha (see picture). I can't wait to try her out. 😜
Diezel has let me use his recliner alone quite a bit over the past few days as he as opted for the couch instead. He's not gonna know what to think when I go back to work next week. He's gotten pretty used to spending his mornings relaxing with me and watching Matlock and Diagnosis Murder. 📺 But he will have more opportunities to enjoy his recliner while I'm in my office. 😜😂
Diezel must have known I had said something about him NOT being in the recliner.  Right after I posted the above on FB he did this:
This boy cracks me up!!  His butt is actually on th earm of the chair.  I got this face when I got up.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 13

    TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 13...
    Fitbit says I only slept a little over 4 hours last night. I had trouble getting comfortable and shutting off my brain - despite the pain meds. I was restless and couldn't stop thinking about the latest development. Last night when I took a shower I noticed that my incision was draining in the bandage. I have had a puffy spot around the top right area of the incision from the beginning. Last night Ron pushed on it (ouch) and more stuff drained out of the bottom of the incision. We think the puffy area is fluid that has now finally found somewhere to drain from.
    I've taken 3 sets of pictures of the incision so far and did a collage of them side by side. You can see the changes in the incision in the pictures. I'm not gonna post the picture here but they're on my blog (link in previous post).
    I have an appointment today with the doc as I'm scheduled to get my staples out. I'm sure the drainage will be one of the top topics of conversation.
      1:00pm Just left the doctors office. Staples are out...woot woot. He said the drainage was a seroma - which is basically when blood and fluids collect. He said it's common. And boy, it really poured when they took the first staple out! 😱 He said as long as it doesn't become bright red or change to the consistency of honey or the cream in a cream filled doughnut I'm good. Love the food analogy. 😜He said it may drain for several days. He could open it up to drain it but that could cause other issues and it's best to let it drain on its own if possible.

      He gave me a back brace now that I have to wear when I'm up.  At least I don't have to sleep in it.  My back actually feels better when the brace is on...even my middle and upper back.  My middle and upper back have been hurting from constantly holding my spine in a neutral position.  At least with the brace on part of that is done for me.  And it really helps with reminding me about the limitations (no bending, lifting, or twisting).  Here's how it looks from the front and back. Sorry for the poor quality - it was taken in a mirror.  The brace wraps around and is then pulled tighter by the two straps you see on the front.

      Next appointment is in 4 weeks and xrays will be done for that one to make sure the fusion is working.

      Doc said I can return to work next week at half days and see how it goes. Still have all the restrictions for a while (no bending, lifting, or twisting).  Reminded me again to listen to my body and don't overdo it.  
      I told him I was walking a lot and some people had suggested I might be doing too much.  Nope...he said again that walking is the best thing I can do for my back to heal.  😊

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 12 (some pictures included may not be suitable for some)

    Consider yourself warned.... Some of the pictures below may not be suitable for some.

    TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 12...
    Fitbit says I slept a little over 6 hours last night. It wasn't the most comfortable sleep...but it was sleep. As you can see from the picture, when I got up with Ron this morning I lost my chair for a bit. Diezel is such a booger. .... Yesterday was a pretty good day, so I stuck to my plan and only took half of a Percocet (with half of a Phenergan). It definitely didn't work as well as taking the whole pill and I ended up taking some Tylenol at 5am. I guess that's a better choice...maybe. ... My plan for today is the same as the previous days: watching 📺, reading 📖, writing 💻, sleeping 😴, thinking 🤔, walking... The staples come out tomorrow. Woot woot! I hope that takes care of some of the uncomfortable feelings. ... Here's to a great day! Staying positive and continuing to heal.

    3pm -  Gotta give a shout out again to UPS and Diezel's favorite driver. Once again Diezel got his treat AND he put my packages inside the house for me! I know they are on a time schedule but it really means a lot that he took a few extra seconds to help me out. 😀 🐶📦 📦 📦 Now to wait on Ron to get home to open them.  
    Diezel decided to spend some time on the other couch today instead of in the recliner.  I guess he felt like I needed some time by myself in it.  He spent almost all day sleeping on it...except when he decide to explore a little to see what's on the counter.  😁
    9:45pm - Today has been an interesting day.  For the most part it hasn't been too bad.  I walked almost 2 miles so far today...which is a little less than some days but a little more than others.  I had an interesting experience trying to get ice earlier.  My hubby has been keeping a cooler with ice for me on the counter.  He put ice in it last night, but didn't change the cool pack, and today when I went to get ice my bowl was nothing but water.  I thought about it decided that maybe I could get some ice out of the freezer drawer (below the refrigerator) by squatting and using tongs.  I managed to do it but I don't think I'll be trying that again.  My legs are not quite strong enough to squat to that degree for very long.  I did manage to fill my Yeti cup up though so I was good until my hubby came home.
    The staples have still felt like they were pulling...which I know is normal for the healing process.  I've been feeling like I was doing good but got a shock when I went to take the shower.  When I turned to the mirror to look at my bandage and take it off it was full of blood on the bottom half!!!  Holy moly!  It really kind of freaked me out!!! 

    Just ignore the tape residue - it can't be helped when wearing sweatpants all the time.
    It took a minute to get the bandage off because I'm so paranoid about pulling the skin around the staples.  I guess I either pulled something the wrong way OR have some drainage issue.  I still have a real puffy spot on the upper right side.  When Ron pushed on it more drainage came out.  He thinks the puffy spot is full of fluid and it's found a small hole and is now dribbling out.  Yuck!!  
    The incision looks a bit different than before - there's been some movement.  Thankfully all of the staples are accounted for.  I've taken three sets of pictures since the surgery.  When putting them side by side you can see the difference:

    The picture on the left is the one taken a week after the surgery.  The second one was taken 9 days after, and the third one was taken tonight.  It's still dribbling some.  I don't think it's actual blood because of the color of it.  They told me their might be some drainage and to not worry unless it was bright red in color, which this is not.  It is weird to me that it just started though.  Thankfully I'm already scheduled to see the doctor tomorrow for my 2 week post-op appointment and will get the staples out.  Looks like I might be having some drainage done too...  Yikes! 😱

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 11

    TLIF Surgery Post-op Day 11...what can I get into today?? Oh, I know...more binge watching... some writing... looking through some magazines (need to catch up on my tabloids)... some more sitting...some more walking...up and down all day long. Walking and standing is actually much more comfortable than sitting. Sitting puts pressure on my back that makes me cringe. If I stand I have to do a lot of shifting around for comfort and to take pressure off my back. Walking is when... it feels the best. I'm still walking slow, but many more steps than right after the surgery...and much bigger strides. 

    Thankfully still not having any excruciating pain in the surgical site - very uncomfortable but tolerable. I should say tolerable with the assistance of pharmaceuticals. I am now able to substitute regular Tylenol for one of my doses. Still taking Lortab in the daytime and leaving the Percocet (with Phenergan) for night. I'm now able to take just half a Phenergan with the Percocet and that worries me some. I think it means I'm getting more used to the (depending on how today goes) I think I will try to take just half a Percocet tonight and start weaning off of them. I don't like to take narcotics unless absolutely necessary. With my family history it doesn't hurt to be cautious. 6 hours of sleep again last night according to my Fitbit. 

    Still scheduled to get the staples out Thursday. I can't wait for that. I know my incision is healing because it is itching like crazy!!

    My favorite pup has become very fond of my new recliner!  Today however, he did decide to spend some time on the couch too.  What a boy!  💛

    This boy loves when UPS comes to the house...especially when it's his favorite driver - the one that gives him treats.  Today I was fortunate enough to make it to the door before the driver got there and he was nice enough to put the packages inside the house for me.  You really don't realize how much simple tasks mean until you can't do them.  Not being able to lift the packages is tough...I'm a very independent person and not used to other people doing things for me.  But very thankful for all the help.

    Shortly after I took these pictures we had a heck of a storm come through.  Really glad those packages were inside already or they would have been soaked!  The area had quite a bit of damage from high winds and heavy rain. We were lucky.  When the storm hit the electricity went out for like 3 hours.  My hubby wasn't home yet so I had to deal with that on my own.  While that's not usually an issue I quickly realized that where I store my candles (in a bottom cabinet) is not back surgery friendly.  The only lanterns in the house had dead batteries and I couldn't get to the travel trailer where there were several other lanterns - partially due to the weather and partially due to the fact that I can't get through or over the fence in my current condition.  I managed to find enough candles located at easy access to at least have some light.  Man, the things I do all the time (bend, lift, and twist) that I don't even think about - until I can't do them anymore.  And you would not believe how many things I've dropped!!  Thank goodness for my handy grabber tool! 👏 

Monday, February 6, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 10

    TLIF Surgery Post-op Day 10
    Woke up this morning when Ron got up and my back felt pretty stiff. I walked a bit and then got back in the recliner with my ice pack and my pup. We slept some more before deciding to take on the day. Well, I should say before I decided. Clearly Diezel was not ready to get up when I did. 🐶 My Fitbit says I slept for 8 hours last night. Unfortunately 6 hours is more accurate because I was restless and watched 2 episodes of Rosewood when I couldn't sleep. But 6 hours isn't bad. Hoping for a great day today with lots of walking.

    I spent a good portion of the day walking...making laps in the house.  A friend mentioned that by the time I recovered from this I would probably leave a worn out path in my house...LOL.  Diezel loves it when I'm up and walking around:

    That face!!!  How can you not love it?  He's the best medicine for me.
    We're getting ready for a car show...which means lots of packages are being delivered daily.  The bad thing about this is I'm not able to bring the packages in.  Diezel loves when FedEx and UPS comes...especially UPS because our regular driver brings him a treat.  He left him a treat today on top of the packages.  I wasn't able to get the packages into the house but I was able to get his treat with the my handy grabber tool.  And then later when FedEx came I managed to make it to the door before he did so I asked him to set the stuff in the house.  He did...and brought my UPS packages in.  Woot!

    Today hasn't been a bad day.  I didn't take any pain pills until noon and then took half of a Lortab 10.  Nothing else until around 7pm and I decided to just take regular Tylenol since it was so close to bedtime - and I will be taking something stronger then. I'm trying to not take too much of the narcotics, but there are times when it is needed for sure.  

Sunday, February 5, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 9

    TlIF Surgery - Post-op Day 9
    Hanging out with my sweetie today. Fitbit says I slept 7 hours last night...woot woot. I needed that sleep. My body needed that sleep to heal. I thought Diezel was going to sleep in the recliner with me last night, but after a few hours he decided he wanted to go to the big bed. What a boy! 🐶
    The pain is really not too bad today. Even though I don't think I need one of my pain pills right now, I don't want the pain to creep up on me like it did the other day, so I'm gonna take some regular Tylenol and a muscle relaxer and see how that works. The muscle relaxer is needed for the rest of my back and I'm using so many other muscles to keep my spine neutral that everything else is aching. 😱 Luckily it's all manageable and tolerable for now. Ask me again at the end of the day. 

    This boy loves my new recliner!! 😀

    2pm - I was able to water my plants all by myself.  Well, Ron did have to get the container out for me...and I was not able to carry as much water as I usually do...and I had to water without bending...BUT, I did it.  Woot Woot!  It's the little things.... 
    9:30pm - took another picture of the incision after my shower.  It seems to be healing well.  I sure will be glad to get these staples out.  I'm sure some of the pains I'm feeling are coming from them.