Tuesday, February 7, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 11

    TLIF Surgery Post-op Day 11...what can I get into today?? Oh, I know...more binge watching... some writing... looking through some magazines (need to catch up on my tabloids)... some more sitting...some more walking...up and down all day long. Walking and standing is actually much more comfortable than sitting. Sitting puts pressure on my back that makes me cringe. If I stand I have to do a lot of shifting around for comfort and to take pressure off my back. Walking is when... it feels the best. I'm still walking slow, but many more steps than right after the surgery...and much bigger strides. 

    Thankfully still not having any excruciating pain in the surgical site - very uncomfortable but tolerable. I should say tolerable with the assistance of pharmaceuticals. I am now able to substitute regular Tylenol for one of my doses. Still taking Lortab in the daytime and leaving the Percocet (with Phenergan) for night. I'm now able to take just half a Phenergan with the Percocet and that worries me some. I think it means I'm getting more used to the Percocet...so (depending on how today goes) I think I will try to take just half a Percocet tonight and start weaning off of them. I don't like to take narcotics unless absolutely necessary. With my family history it doesn't hurt to be cautious. 6 hours of sleep again last night according to my Fitbit. 

    Still scheduled to get the staples out Thursday. I can't wait for that. I know my incision is healing because it is itching like crazy!!

    My favorite pup has become very fond of my new recliner!  Today however, he did decide to spend some time on the couch too.  What a boy!  💛

    This boy loves when UPS comes to the house...especially when it's his favorite driver - the one that gives him treats.  Today I was fortunate enough to make it to the door before the driver got there and he was nice enough to put the packages inside the house for me.  You really don't realize how much simple tasks mean until you can't do them.  Not being able to lift the packages is tough...I'm a very independent person and not used to other people doing things for me.  But very thankful for all the help.

    Shortly after I took these pictures we had a heck of a storm come through.  Really glad those packages were inside already or they would have been soaked!  The area had quite a bit of damage from high winds and heavy rain. We were lucky.  When the storm hit the electricity went out for like 3 hours.  My hubby wasn't home yet so I had to deal with that on my own.  While that's not usually an issue I quickly realized that where I store my candles (in a bottom cabinet) is not back surgery friendly.  The only lanterns in the house had dead batteries and I couldn't get to the travel trailer where there were several other lanterns - partially due to the weather and partially due to the fact that I can't get through or over the fence in my current condition.  I managed to find enough candles located at easy access to at least have some light.  Man, the things I do all the time (bend, lift, and twist) that I don't even think about - until I can't do them anymore.  And you would not believe how many things I've dropped!!  Thank goodness for my handy grabber tool! 👏 

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