Friday, February 3, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op Day 7

    8am morning update  / TLIF surgery Post-op Day 7...
    1 week ago today I had the surgery.
    I didn't sleep as well last night as I have been. I still managed to get in a little more than 5 hours, but it was a very uncomfortable time. I was in the same position I have been in on nights before, and tried the ice pack, but just couldn't get my darn back and hips to stop hurting/aching. I took a Percocet / Phenergan cocktail at 10pm last night (the same thing that has been working) but it didn't do the ...job this time. So this morning as I do my walking I'm reevaluating yesterday and think I have figured out the problem (hopefully). Yesterday was a pretty good day. I was uncomfortable but not in a lot of I didn't take a lot of pain meds. In fact, when I looked back at my notes (yes, I keep up with when I take stuff) I skipped one dose entirely. I think that was probably a mistake. So today instead of being "Ms. Tough Girl" I'm going to stay on schedule. If I'm not in a lot of pain I will not take a narcotic, but will take some Tylenol instead. Hopefully this will keep the pain pushed away enough and I will sleep well again tonight. Live and learn, right? Still staying positive. I know my back is healing because it's itching like crazy! 😜 Now to get my pup out of my chair so I can rest some more. He sure loves the new recliner.
    12:00 noon - The day is going well.  The pain is under control thankfully...and I plan to keep it that way if possible. Same routine as the previous days - resting and walking.  And I have the best nurse in the world:

    4pm - Holy crapola!! I was trying to get situated in my chair and pushed up with my right arm.  Apparently I didn't have my spine neutral enough and it sent an excruciating pain through me!!!  Mostly through my right side...Yikes it hurt!!!  Got up and walked it off...walked right to where my meds are kept, got a pill (thankfully it was almost time for it anyway)...and then walked some more.  So thankful the pain went away.  Yikes!!!

    Amazon delivery for me today!  😁 Isnt' that the cutest little cuddle bear?  My coworker Judy said she made sure that the bear's robe matched mine too...LOL.

    Feeling the love today...received these cards too.  The 2 cards in the back are from other co-workers and the post card is from the agency.  More TV time....too funny!  
    4pm - Decided it was finally time to take a real shower.  There's only so long I can stand doing the bed side bath and I really need to wash my hair!  I've been using dry shampoo but it can only help for so long.  So....I took the bandage off...thankfully, it came off easily.  It appears that the incision hasn't bled much at all.  
    The shower felt amazing.  It's crazy how water can refresh you so much.  I feel so clean now!  😊 
    After the shower I was able to get a really good look at the incision...well, as best as possible with a mirror.  Then my hubby took a picture for me.  10 staples - only 2 inches long.  I have quite a bit of swelling, especially on the right side, and funny indentions but I'm sure it's just part of the healing process.  I can't wait to see how it changes as it least I hope it changes.  😜

    It's absolutely amazing that they can go through such a small incision to do all the work they did!

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