Friday, February 10, 2017

TLIF Surgery - Post-op 2 weeks

TLIF Surgery - Post-op 2 weeks...
I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks since the surgery! It's been quite the journey. When I was still in the hospital the Doc told me that when he saw me at my 2-week check-up I should be 50% better in regards to the surgical pain...and 95% better by the 6-week visit. It appears that he was accurate because I definitely feel at least 50% better now than I did... right after the surgery. And the pain that caused me to have the surgery in the first place is gone. I'm still having some burning and tingling in my right hip and leg (which started after the surgery), but we still think it is the result of how I'm sleeping and possibly from nerve irritation. I mean, lets face it, a lot of stuff was done to my back, which included moving nerves around. This is still so much better than what I was dealing with before! 😁
My back is very happy to no longer have staples in it. And it's still draining away...better for that stuff to come out than to stay in for sure! 😳
I had a nice visit this morning with my Pops and Susan. Susan and I were able to catch up with surgery/recovery stories since she recently had a knee replacement. Modern medicine really is amazing. They brought me Agatha (see picture). I can't wait to try her out. 😜
Diezel has let me use his recliner alone quite a bit over the past few days as he as opted for the couch instead. He's not gonna know what to think when I go back to work next week. He's gotten pretty used to spending his mornings relaxing with me and watching Matlock and Diagnosis Murder. 📺 But he will have more opportunities to enjoy his recliner while I'm in my office. 😜😂
Diezel must have known I had said something about him NOT being in the recliner.  Right after I posted the above on FB he did this:
This boy cracks me up!!  His butt is actually on th earm of the chair.  I got this face when I got up.

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